Another great day. Up at dawn and it was completely foggy and nice and cool. Opened the house up and it felt great. It was really nice to have electricity last night. Did my usual of eating fruit and reading and waiting to go and get coffee and now my favorite chocolate pastry. Watched Italian news on TV and waited for the bank to open at strangely enough 8:35. Anyway I wanted to change some American dollars for Euros, the clerk said sure and got on the computer for a short time and then said that they could not do it today and that maybe I could try tomorrow. Not a problem that I saw coming. Anyway no problem I'd use the ATM card for my Italian account. Went out to the ATM and a woman was there complaining that for some reason it would only allow her to take out 100 euros instead of the usual 250. I got on and it would only allow me 100 also. that was enough for today, but what's going on, is the world economic system falling apart and I am so isolated from everything that I don't know what's going on? Well I guess that it will become clear at some point. My stove is not turned on yet, but I got gas for the grill and made my first meal here. a big hamburger patty and zucchini. I was happy. Rained tonight and it was nice. My new system is to go over to
Anja's to get onto the Internet at 2 o'clock in the afternoon here so that I can get a hold of
Jeneane at 8 o'clock in the morning her time. Works out great and then she doesn't have to worry all day about missing my call. Then I go for a coffee and
gelotto and wait for everything else to open at 4:30. Kind of a relaxing day for a change. No big plans for tomorrow, cleaning up the back room where there are no windows and now I can see because of the electric lights. Bye for now time for some fruit and a glass of