This year we will have been here 65 days. We have gone to market in CVS eighteen times. There have been three major saint days, San Giovanni, San Francesco and today San Rocco.
The instant we opened our door the band started playing. I kid you not. |
San Rocco and body guards make their way out of the church. He is covered in gold and money. |
See fireworks really are better in the day, because you can take pictures of people and they are not in the dark. |
San Rocco headed to the bank |
and back to church. |
We have had dinner with friends 20 times and dinner on the piazza two times. We had five guests and one dog who came twice. We used both our blankets every night and today, August 16 I am sitting on our terrace with my wind breaker on. It has rained more this year than all the other years put together. We made it to the beach six times which is our new record. We did not eat gelato everyday as in previous years, but we were not deprived. We have eaten at least 1/2 a watermelon a week for two people and 4 cantaloup.
We made some wonderful new friends and strengthened old friendships as well.
We rented a car for ten days, which is too long, but we have used it to paint farther away than we can walk. Jim did so many watercolor/pastel pencil drawings. I did at least 17 watercolors and quite a few pastels. We got an award for our commitment to CVS. I guess I was so excited about this I posted it two days in a row, but, hey, it is my blog!
And we made some repayment on our debt by giving away 26 watercolors and pastels.
We have five pieces in a gallery in Introdaqua, so we see if anything comes of that. I finished editing my book on painting and now know the plot of my mystery novel in my head.
Landscapes from the last 2 days.
My mom has moved while we were here: always stressful from far away, but it has worked out well and she is happy. I showed my stress by buying her about ten presents. Now that I realize what I did she will have to share!
In three days the mountains will close around us as we leave the dream of CVS behind and reach the wide plain of Avazano and the road to Roma.