What a day. Up at dawn again, doing a little work and then into town to have espresso and this time a chocolate croissant, very good, that's what I'll get from now on. then to the bank to take out 200 euros to go and try to buy the gas BBQ. Today was market day but I wasn't buying any thing. Went to the hardware store and looked at the gas grill. It was perfect and was small enough to fit on the little balcony off of the kitchen.Next I went up to see Anja and see if I could recharge my Ipad and talk to her about plans for the future. She made me coffee and we went through the contract that I'll be signing on Friday. She called the guy about the electricity and gas and he said that he would be over later in the morning to get them turned on. Oh boy. then I asked her about where to by a mattress and she said she could call some one that sells them and she thought that they would deliver it to my house. Sure they said we'll be there in 15 or 20 minutes. Oh crap I didn't have that much money left after buying the grill so I needed to go back to the Bank. Parked at home and walked up the hill to the bank and when I inserted my card in the ATM it told me that I could only take out 50 euros more that was the limit for one day. OK that was just enough to cover the cost of the mattresses. Did it and hurried down the hill and got there just as the guy drove up. Fabulous. A little while later the power guy showed up and looked at stuff and said that he would be back at 2 o'clock to turn on the electricity and that he wasn't sure if he could turn on the gas, but he would check on it. He came back on time and turned the power on. You can't believe what a joy it is to have lights and a fridge. Still no gas but I didn't have any money left to buy anything to cook so I had a dinner of great grapes and apricots and several glasses of good wine that cost me about $1 a liter. I like it here. Took a bath and shaved and am sitting on the terrace writing this. It's dark now but I'll go inside and turn on the lights and get on my new mattress and read until I want to go to sleep. Tomorrow I plan to buy food that I can grill. Man is it beautiful here.
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