The next day we got up to catch the 6:15 bus which goes to Pratola. The driver said he wasn’t going there on that day, although the passengers kept telling him to take us anyway. He said to wait for the next bus and that it would be timed to catch the bus to Rome. That is what we did. The next bus got to Sulmona at 7:45 and the bus to Rome was there promptly at 8. We got to Rome and retraced our steps of our first day in Italy to the train to the plane, picked up our car with ease, went to Ikea to buy some reading lights, now that we have plugs, and of course a few other things. That is how it is with Ikea. We did eat lunch there, but I went with the pasta instead of meat balls. They did not have the roasted potatoes. We arrived at Moose’s house at about 5:30. Everything went as well as one could hope, but it was clear that we would never be able to make it to Rome on time for a flight without a car or taking public transport the day before.
We had a great time with Flaminia and her family. It was as if we had never been apart and now I can say more to them. They have built an incredible bed and breakfast and we got to stay in one of the new apartments. It is all perfect. If you are going to Tuscany, it would be a great place to stay. It is in the heart of Tuscany and day trips to Florence, Sienna, Perugia and Assisi are easy. Sansepolcro is a beautiful town and there are many more towns you have not heard of, each filled with midevil centers of town, churchs filled with art and excellent coffee.
Flaminia helped us with our shopping deprivation problem and we got a beach umbrella and clamp on umbrella for my easel, two cans of fixative and a fan. It will be very comfortable here for the next four days and then Mica and Berry will benefit from all the changes. One cannot be on the beaches here without an umbrella. The sun is too strong. Women of almost any age cannot be on the beach except in a two piece suit. Some were barely there and it was not always a good look. Even worse were the old guys in their Montrealer style suits. You know the ones I mean.
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