Friday, July 26, 2013


After dinner we headed over to our internet hot spot. It was still daylight and we sat on the Danes’ stoop to see who had been in touch. Jim wanted to knock on the door and say hello. We went in to watch the women’s Danish and Norwegian Soccer teams. Norway was winning when we left. We came around the corner and encountered a party in progress. Oh, have some coffee, do you want whipped cream, have some cake, have a seat, have some more cake, how about some cookies, now watermelon, more cake? No? How about green plums from Castelvecchio? Water, tea, orange soda? Here take my chair, no I will get another out of house. No don’t sit there you might fall, take this spot, no, no I insist.

Twelve or more people  were gathered around a little doorway on the down hill slope of the side road. Next there were 14 as we joined the party. The generosity and graciousness of people here is amazing. The new thing I learned tonight is how to eat watermelon with a knife. The cake was delicious, the coffee was fabulous. People treated us like we belonged. It was all an amazing end to a day in CVS under the stars. At 11pm we are back home to finish up with a small lemoncello.

You will be happy to know that since that Danes have been proven the happiest people in the world for nine years, they have adopted a new flag. Don't expect to see it soon as it will take time to replace all the flags. You will also be happy to know that I, being a 1/4 Danish, won the competition for the new flag.

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