I have seen some incomprehensible T-shirts on people at the beach this week, but it is too hard to get photos of them in suito. I did read my neighbor’s t-shirt to him and he had no idea what I was saying or what the t-shirt said. A beach favorite was “Hero Athletics” Here are my last three market t-shits.
Two confusing children’s t-shirts. One that Jessie commented that she hopes there is an album out by the name, “Virus”. Shoes have gotten more casual this month. Lots of sandals and no opportunity for sneaky shoe pictures. More next year I am sure.
Other random last good memories. Piazza night at Antico Sapori.

Today was a sad day. We got up at six, always the start to a sad day, and drove Jessie to the airport. We hated to see her leave. This nine days have been some of the most fun of my whole life. How happy it is when a daughter becomes a friend. The entire trip was uneventful and we were home before noon.
Typical terrible airport photos. I am happy to report that Jessie is home safe.
I slept most of the rest of the day. We had an amazing rainstorm, pre-ported to be the most rain ever. I was sort of asleep and the occasional rips of thunder would sort of wake me up. Finally there was a thunder crash that literally shook the windows. That was enough to make me go out on the terrace. Rain comes on fast and hard here. It was screaming down from the left toward the right. Hail was jumping up off the little plastic roof over our little balcony like popcorn escaped from a pan. Instantly the street was a river with stones, branches and trash rolling down the street. Underneath the pounding of the rain was the ripple of thunder, constant, around the valley. Soon the water crested over the sidewalks and poured off the sides of the bridge. By now the rain was driving down from right to left. The trees did not know which way to blow. We kept retreating further back from the edge of the deck. Like a dying symphony the rained slowed to a sprinkle. We were able to get out and get a few things taken care of before the thunder and lightening started up again. The second storm found somewhere else to fall.
The day ended with dinner with Gagliano Danes, Irishman and Italian. Well it was an amazing meal. The whole Italian experience with three hours of eating. It was supposed to be “green night”. A time when you make your friends happy they are leaving. You behave badly toward them and give them poor food. This was red light night. STOP and stay in Italy. Now we are home. Two more nights in beautiful, poignant Castelvecchio where tomorrow is National Picnic Day!!
Final thoughts on the summer
This was a great summer for me. It was so nice to have company, Lise and Ned, Katie, and Jessie. We love it here so much and sharing it with our friends and family made it even more special. Now we can discuss CVS in Vermont with people who understand the wonder of this place. Our friends here continue to grow more dear to us. It is hard to say good-by, but I feel more confident that we will return. Part of the magic is returning. We have had so many gifts of wine, food, friendship and love from people here. We get honked at in greeting several times a day. Buon giornos ring out from everyone on the piazza. We are introduced at events and called to from the stage. We had an art show on the piazza which was a dream of mine. People all wonder why are we leaving so soon. Much better than thank goodness they are finally leaving. Castelvecchio may be even more beautiful next year when some of the restoration is finished. I didn’t put so much pressure on myself to produce more work and tried some oil painting along with the pastels. I found new places to paint and tried again on old places that I felt had not worked out. It’s been great. If only there wasn’t the miserable traveling to do. Our bags are packed, but we are not ready to go.
Next year: more upcoming trends in fashion, amazing places and food that will make you jealous, and more insights into the meaning of life, although feel free to skip those. Maybe my mystery book will have a chapter unveiled!!!
Until then ciao, vediamo la prossima estate. Grazie mille per la lettura.
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