It might be a festa day but we are grateful that they still had market. Starvation might have loomed, but you see what we got for less than 20E.
This picture is the stuff we got for free along with the loaf of special bread from Ermelinda.
It is possible that I have found my wedding shoes. |
Also wedding undergarments. |
Selling the special bread for San Giovanni |
This lady always catches me when I try to take a picture. |
The woman in black on the left sat by me in church. She had a roasted chicken in her bag so it was hard to concentrate. |
Flag of San Giovanni makes it out of the church. |
The cross. |
Waiting for the statue |
The new, young priest and alter boys. |
San Giovanni |
Banner of CVS and the mayor. |
Procession makes its way up to the destroyed church of San Giovanni. |
Carabonari: Military Police |
At just the moment the procession is going to turn right at this intersection a tractor with a big attachment turned in front of them. |
I actually went to mass. Jim waited outside.
After Mass was the procession and then we went to Enrica and Salvatore’s for pranza, lunch.
Tshirts of the day: Always Kiss Me Good Night and I was born free like the wind. |
Sorry I could not get a better picture of these shoes, but they were amazing. How does she walk? |
This is the dinner, cena, that you missed last night. Today at lunch at Erica e Salvatori you missed cheese, different salamis, pickled green beans, tortellini with mushrooms and cream sauce, chicken, salad with fresh onions, tomatoes sliced in a vinaigrette, sliced carrots with a thick basil acetto, melon, peaches, cake, gelatto, caffe, lemoncello, a liqueur made from apple seeds which was the best thing I have ever tasted and will be for sale in the Montpelier Farmers market in one year, and a liqueur made with 10 herbs. Also good, but my least favorite of the the three. Lunch started at one and ended at 3:30. Jim went directly to bed for a nap. I am reading "The Goldfinch" so it is hard to go to sleep.
Now we are watching the football game between Uruguay and Italy. Can someone tell me why the biter did not get a red card? They stole it from us!
Yummy dinner!!