Random picture of my friend, Linda, talking to a passerby. |
When I made the appointment for my haircut today it seemed so far away and now it has come and gone. I am so happy to have it short as it is much cooler.
This was just in time for a giant rain and hail storm. Right now, one of our neighbors is out in his garden taking down the tarp that was shredded by the hail. The ground looked snow covered in some places and the street became its usual river. The city is literally washed clean and many large stones are stranded out in the road. It looked like behind our house that our upstairs neighbors avoided water coming over the door sill by about 1/2 inch. That would have been bad for us as well.
River Via Nationale |
Hail left after tons of rain. |
More hail by the wash house/fountain. |
This was the second rain of this day and the sky is still quite threatening. At one point there were no mountains or suggestions of mountains to be seen.
This was a non-painting day because of the haircut and the rain, but I have polished off two more portraits. I am on track for my goal of no more portraits after July 10 or 15 at the latest.
Every day tons of building supplies (no hyperbole here) appear in the piazza to be taken up into the earthquake zone by little front loaders or skidders. Tons of rubble is carried back down by these fierce little machines and deposited in a large container that is eventually taken away with a bigger truck. Every day all the materials that are dropped off appear to be used up as every day new ones take their place. Today there was a huge pile of sand that must be mixed with other stuff in bags to make morder. From the color of the run off from up town it seems like some must have been sold down the river.
Rubble container to take away destruction rubble |
Construction materials being unloaded. Note the woman and baby stroller.
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