It has been such a beautiful day. It is about 82 degrees (28c) and windy. The Italians do not seem to like the wind, but I like a lot.
After 1st and 2nd breakfast, I walked up the little road to nowhere and admired the view.
On the road to nowhere |
From Secinaro to Castelvecchio |
Here are some watercolors and pastels I have finished and some oils I have started.
Finished oil that I did on our little balcony |
Day 1 Convento: Today the light is too in and out to work on these. So tomorrow. |
Day 1 Convento: it is so much faster to do a good pastel than a bad oil painting.
Today was my biggest victory in speaking Italian. The guy who picks up the organic waste forgot to get our's today. When I saw him drive through the piazza. (He was going the wrong way) I jumped up and yelled, " mister, mister, you forgot to pick up our organica today!" In Italian not english. I was proud of myself and he went back and picked it up.
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