Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Free day at the market July 11, 2017

No one told us it was free day in Castelvecchio, but it started right away. First the pastry I was given at the coffee shop was unacceptable so I was given a second one. I had not noticed any problem?? When I went to buy a 1/2 kilo of bread for about $1.50 she gave me two delicious cookies that we had with coffee in the afternoon. The vegetable woman she gave us more stuff than we purchased.

Every thing to the right of the lettuce was a gift. And the chicken man gave us each a big bit of pork rolled around herbs. That did not make it home before being eaten.

It has been really hot here. Everyone is complaining and everyone who can has left for the beach.

We keep our house nice and cool by opening the windows at night and leaving it shut up all day. Our friend, Noel, is back and I have lost my painting companion as the two of them spend hours over third coffee each morning.

Here is my effort from yesterday afternoon and the day before. I am sitting in my friend, Maria's, garden. She brought out caffe and cake so it was a good place to paint. She is always giving us things from flowers for the table to zucchini flowers also for the table.

It may be hot, but it is a sweet life!

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