Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ho hum, just another day....

Italian friend
We had to spend a day recovering from that festivale!! Now we are back on track. We got up pretty early, before 9am and walked to Castel d Iire. The bus did not pick us up, but it is only 2 km. Just a typical day, painted, had coffee, walked home, down hill all the way, had lunch, took a nap and now I am lurking outside the Dane's home. 
Italian friend

Danish Friends

View of the valley

Sunset from our terrace

This morning's pastel step 1

Castel d Irie...morning painting spot

Roses for Deborah

More roses

Walking home from Castel d Iire

Pastel at the end of the morning, but not finished

1 comment:

  1. Your day looks anything but ho-hum to me!

    Will you be watching the big soccer game on the big screen in town tomorrow? Not sure if I my schedule will allow it tomorrow, but I'll try and catch it. Actually have an emergency dentist appointment. Root canal could be on my schedule instead of soccer, but we'll see.

