Friday, June 15, 2012

In New York City

Monday we went with Susan to the High-line in NYC. A new must see. The High-line used to be railroad tracks that brought freight directly to manufacturers from the Hudson River at the second story level. Years passed and industries closed. The High-line was left to the elements of nature and was doomed to be torn down. People with amazing foresight and imagination turned it in to a walking path and garden. What fun to be above the street looking down. The plantings are grasses, sedum and coneflowers of all colors. There are even trees. People have created artwork on their rooftops or the sides of their buildings for people to enjoy. Some look spontaneous and others look commissioned. Four artists were installing a wire and wooden piece that looked a little like a high rise for birds. The river walk continues beyond the High-line to Battery Park. There are grassy areas, benches and many flowering trees and plants. People, scantily clad, were sunbathing and kids played in water sprays on the piers that have been redone. Other piers are reduced to pilings rotting away at different heights in the river. Metal water fowl perch on some of them. We were so tired that we went back to Diane’s and took a nap. I slept four hours and then we had Mexican food. It was a second strangely long day.

From Stephen and Diane’s house we walked to the LIRR at Atlantic Ave; took a train to Jamaica Plain and changed to a second train to JFK. It was easy and only $11.25 each. Our plane was delayed due to rain, but I can recommend Aer Lingus. The food was better than ok, the seats were comfortable, there was lots of head room so it did not feel clostrophobic, and we each had our own screen with music, games, TV or movies. It was hard to sleep with so much entertainment. Our connection was tight in Dublin, but that flight also went well. One thing about changing from an international to a more domestic plane is that the domestic plane was much smaller and less comfortable. The only food available was for purchase. I did manage to sleep most of the way. At this point the days began to run together and it was hard to know when we were.

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