Saturday, July 19, 2014


If I was to tell you that someone grabbed my breast today, who would you chose as the groper?

a.  A young Italian man
b.  An old Italian man
c.  A young Italian boy who could not resist a famous American artist
d.  A woman old enough to be my grandmother, oh dang, I am old enough to be my grandmother. Ok a woman old enough to be my mother.

If this happened to you, what would you do?

a.  Run screaming to the nearest Carabinieri
b.  Run screaming to the nearest airport
c.  Run screaming in circles
d.  Smile nervously and resolve to never bend over to kiss this person on both cheeks again.

If you picked d. on both questions you score 100%.

If you can answer this essay question:

Why would she do that??? And it is not the first time!!!

You will win an all expense paid by you trip to Italy.  (hint: she is one of the people who’s picture I painting)

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