Monday, July 14, 2014

Hard at work or hardly working?

I got out to paint at 7 a.m. today, but the light wasn't good at all. There was no contrast. I started a new painting in the same spot of the mountains. That went ok and it now has an acceptable undercoat of color. Then the sun came out and I switched back to painting number one. That lasted about 15 minutes and I got ready to switch back to painting number 2 only to see that clouds had rolled over the mountains. I did think about adding them, but I had done a lot of work on the ridge line, although it is still inaccurate. So the clouds did not get added.

Painting number 1

Painting number 2 done before the clouds appeared. There was a moment of sunlight on the ridge. 

And here is painting number 3. The sun was pretty strong for a while, but I am not sure this is finished or not. I am having a hard time being happy about my work. I did the landscape on Canson Touch, and I liked it better than before. It seems like the strokes show up more. The colorfix is great for doing a few layers and getting the texture of the building, but then I have to spray. A hard drawing line blurs the color. Ho hum. 

In the meantime it is getting to that dangerous time of summer: runaway zucchinis. Several have made their way to our house along with many fresh eggs.

The pot to the left of the giant zucchini is a vinegar maker. We have added quite a bit of dubious wine to it, but have yet to try the vineger. We don't know how long it is supposed to take so it is a kitchen science experiment.

And lastly here is the wheat someone picked for me yesterday. I have artistically drapped it across our winnower that we found in the cave. (sorry, do not know if that is the correct word)

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