Monday, July 25, 2011

My pastel from this morning.

Me in the field with my easel...the reason for funny posture.

Jim in the field examining sticker plants after he finished his drawing.

So far it has been a productive day. Besides painting, we also went to city hall for some help about paying our taxes before we go. It has been great that Jim gave Vittorio the pastel, because it is great to know someone. I don't know how we would figure it out otherwise. There was also time for caffe and pastry!


  1. So, after all, you fell to doing sunflowers!
    Very nice!

  2. Seems like you two always have time for caffe and pastry. Love the paintings from today. I don't think I've ever seen you do people!

  3. Hi Jeneane--I love sunflowers so I was particularly drawn to your painting and photographs. I am proctoring the bar exam today, so I was happy to catchup with your blog. I am proctoring the laptop room with 41 nervous people taking the essay part of the exam. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time.
